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Exploit The Web Limited Privacy Policy

This policy describes how we capture and store your personal information, and with whom we share it, if anyone.

On this website, there are two types of form in which personal data may be captured: contact forms and competition / prize draw entry forms.

Contact Forms

These forms requests your name, email address, telephone number, company name, company website address, and comments. All of these fields are optional.

When submitted, the website sends the supplied information to an email address monitored by our staff. Once the email is sent, the data is discarded by the web server. In the event of a failure to send the email, the data is returned to your browser within the context of the Contact Us page, in order that it can be resubmitted. At no point is the data stored on the web server.

The email, including the personal data contained therein, is stored indefinitely in a secure email archive database.

At no point is your personal data divulged to any third party.

Upon request, your personal data can be permanently removed from the email.

Competition / Prize Draw Forms

These forms requests your name, email address, telephone number, and postal address. All of these fields are optional. In addition a membership opt-in checkbox is provided, also optional.

Upon submission of the form, the website sends the supplied information to an email address monitored by our staff. Once the email is sent, the data is stored in our secure database. In the event of a failure to send the email, the data is returned to your browser within the context of the form, in order that it can be resubmitted.

The email itself, including the personal data contained therein, is stored indefinitely in a secure email archive database.

We will store your details in our database for the duration of the competition or prize draw. After selecting the winner(s) we will use the stored details to notify them and send their prizes to them.

Entrants who opt in to the membership scheme are consenting to, in addition to the above, our retention of the submitted data in our membership database, until such time as they opt out. Depending on the level of membership selected, entrants may also be consenting to be contacted by Exploit The Web periodically for marketing purposes.

At no point is your personal data divulged to any third party.

Upon closure of the competition or prize draw, your personal data will be permanently removed from the competition / prize draw database.

Upon opt-out, your personal data will be permanently removed from the membership database.

Upon request, your personal data can be permanently removed from the email.


As a sole exception to the above, Exploit The Web Limited reserves the right to retain any data that its agents deem to be of an illegal nature, and to submit such data to the relevant authorities.

Any personal information that you choose to divulge via our Facebook page, our Twitter page or our LinkedIn page is done so at your discretion and stored by those websites in accordance with their respective privacy policies.